Revista Brasileira de Geografia <p align="justify"><strong><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">Bem vindo à Revista Brasileira de Geografia (RBG), publicação científica semestral&nbsp;</span></span><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';">do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).</span></span></span></strong></p> <div style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #00c6b9; width: 500px; margin-top: 10px; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;"><strong>RECEBIMENTO DE ARTIGOS</strong>: Fluxo contínuo.</div> Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística pt-BR Revista Brasileira de Geografia 0034-723X Infiltrômetro de anéis duplos semiautomático de carga pouco variável <p>Infiltrômetros de anéis duplos são utilizados como ferramentas de prospecção de dados primários em campo. A variação de carga produzida pela oscilação da água nos equipamentos tradicionais pode gerar inconsistências nos dados produzidos, tornando-se necessário a utilização de equipamentos mais precisos. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar a construção de um infiltrômetro de anéis duplos semi-automático de carga pouco variável. O equipamento apresentou-se portátil, com partes segmentadas, auxiliando sua utilização em diferentes tipos de ambientes de campo. Os registros do tipo boia utilizados viabilizaram a reposição automática da água nos cilindros, tornando a coluna d’água constante sobre a superfície, não sendo encontradas restrições de uso para o equipamento em diferentes classes de solos.</p> Jefferson Gomes Confessor Lara Luíza Silva Silvio Carlos Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 69 84 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_69-84 A discussão sobre desenvolvimento com enfoque territorial no Brasil <p>Nas últimas décadas, no Brasil, a discussão sobre desenvolvimento com enfoque territorial foi um tema abordado por um pequeno número de autores. Sustenta-se a hipótese de que os autores que inseriram o tema em suas publicações, inicialmente, o fizeram sem estarem amparados em um saber amplo e detalhado, tendo como base reinterpretações de publicações de autores referenciais e que, só mais recentemente percebem-se avanços significativos, a exemplo de estudos que propõem referenciais epistêmico-teórico-metodológicos que convergem com o enfoque ou abordagem territorial. Neste artigo, propõe-se reafirmar a suposição referida, recorrendo a publicações que tangenciaram o tema desenvolvimento com o enfoque territorial, descrevendo a trajetória acadêmica de um dos estudiosos, no sentido de identificar suas principais contribuições, mais ou menos razoáveis, além de evidenciar os principais avanços na explicitação e aprofundamento do tema.</p> Valdir Roque Dallabrida Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 85 104 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_85-104 Celebração do centenário de nascimento de Antonio Teixeira Guerra Rosangela Garrido Machado Botelho André Luiz Ferreira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 105 112 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_105-112 Potencial da cartografia para o estudo da dinâmica imobiliária <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">O trabalho objetiva mapear a evolução da ocupa-ção e do adensamento urbano de Niterói, utilizan-do duas fontes, a saber: 1) anúncios de jornal, para auxiliar no entendimento da dinâmica imobi-liária da cidade entre 1970 e 2010, e 2) dados oficiais sobre vendas (ITBI) entre 2014 e 2021, para entender o comportamento mais atual do mercado imobiliário. Numa análise por regiões, a maior parte dos anúncios se concentrou na região das Praias da Baía (sítio urbano e região mais populosa). Analisando os bairros, o destaque fica para o bairro nobre de Icaraí. De uma maneira geral foi observada uma tendência de queda de anúncios de imóveis no centro da cidade e cresci-mento na região Oceânica do município. Quanto às transações imobiliárias efetuadas, há um perío-do de estabilidade ou queda até 2020, para, em 2021, um acentuado crescimento em todas as regiões, principalmente na Região Oceânica, uma possível consequência da pandemia e o aumento da modalidade de teletrabalho em vários ramos e profissões.</span></p> Rômulo Weckmüller Rubens Moreira R. Carvalho Daniel Sanfelici Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 3 20 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_3-20 Mudanças recentes (1987-2019) da margem leste do estuário da foz do Rio Pará, dominado por macromaré (Amazônia Oriental-Brasil) <p>Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e quantifi-car as áreas em erosão e/ou em acreção com intui-to de compreender a dinâmica da linha de costa (LC) dos municípios de Vigia e de São Caetano de Odivelas (margem leste) no trecho inferior do Estu-ário do Rio Pará, utilizando uma análise multitem-poral através de emprego de imagens de satélite Landsat (1987 a 2019) da USGS, como auxílio do Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS). A maior tendência de acreção ocorreu em Vigia, com taxas, média de 1,26 m/ano e máxima de 10,06 m/ano no EPR. Em São Caetano de Odivelas, a taxa média de variação nos parâmetros EPR, LRR e NSM foram respectivamente de 0,40 m/ano 0,25 m/ano e 13,09 m/ano, confirmando o predomínio da acre-ção nesta área.</p> Diandra Karina Martins Guimarães Maâmar El-Robrini Renan Peixoto Rosário Rafael Alexandre Alves Menezes Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 21 43 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_21-43 Tão verde quanto possível <p>Este estudo tem como objetivo computar o total de áreas de vegetação remanescentes no município de Fortaleza, de modo a: calcular a extensão total de áreas que estão dentro de unidades de conser-vação e o grau de degradação da cobertura vege-tal em Unidades de Conservação (UC); mensurar o total de áreas remanescentes que estão sem pro-teção jurídica pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação; identificar fragmentos de cobertu-ra vegetal nativa vulneráveis à destruição. A análi-se é baseada em técnicas de geoprocessamento, identificando as áreas remanescentes do municí-pio e o total de áreas desmatadas dentro e fora das UC. Fortaleza perdeu mais de 80% de sua cobertu-ra vegetal natural ou seminatural ao longo dos últimos séculos. O nível de proteção efetiva da cobertura vegetal nessas UC é baixo. O estudo identificou 60 áreas com vegetação remanescente vulneráveis ao desmatamento.</p> Laymara Xavier-Sampaio Liana Rodrigues Queiroz Manuella Maciel Gomes Maria Ligia Farias Costa Maria Elisa Zanella Marcelo Freire Moro Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 44 68 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_44-68 Entrevista com Antonio José Teixeira Guerra <p>Entrevista com o professor Antonio José Teixeira Guerra sobre seu pai, Antonio Teixeira Guerra, por ocasião do centenário de seu nascimento .</p> Conselho Editorial da Revista Brasileira de Geografia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 113 121 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_113-121 Entrevista com Jurandyr Luciano Sanches Ross <p>Entrevista com o professor Jurandyr Luciano Sanches Ross sobre Aziz Nacib Ab’Saber por ocasião do centenário de seu nascimento .</p> Conselho Editorial da Revista Brasileira de Geografia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 122 132 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_122-132 Superfícies aplainadas e terraços na Amazônia Aziz Nacib Ab'Saber Maria Regina Mousinho de Meis Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Uma Revisão do quaternário paulista <p><em>Artigo originalmente publicado no volume 31 n. 4 (1969)</em></p> <p>This article is concerned with the quaternary's layers in the State of São Paulo. The work was carried out considering first the recent layers, passing after to the ancient ones, aiming to give an idea of the real geographical distribution of the various components of the geological column in that area.</p> <p>As to map quaternary deposits, generally presented in discontinuous and superposed layers, is a hard task to be executed when on deals with short scale maps, it was adopted, as methodological criterion, the global and successive valuation of the areas where such deposits occur.</p> <p>To make easier the presentation of the matter in question, this work was subdivided in six main items: search of an itinerary - classifications; the overlaying deposits - basic materials of soil formation; overflowing plains and their basal deposits; the stone lines in São Paulo State: the low terraces; and pediments and detrital pleistocene basins in that State.</p> Aziz Nacib Ab'Sáber Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 O Pantanal Mato-grossense e a teoria dos refúgios Aziz Nacib Ab'Saber Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Contribuição ao estudo da Geomorfologia e do Quaternário do litoral de Laguna (Santa Catarina) <p>" The author Antônio Teixeira Guerra explains, in this article, the conclusions to which he arrived after a trip he made along the littoral of Laguna, State of Santa Catarina.</p> <p>This paper is divided in the following parts: Geology and Geomorphology of the littoral, part in which he describes the general aspects of this coastal region, showing the contrasts between the points and granitic hills and the recent sand deposits which form coastal strings and dunes.</p> <p>He analyses in a more profound way the physical landscape of the region of Laguna, studying the disaggregation as well as the various types of diaclases.</p> <p>In the second part of this paper, three parts are distinguished by the author:</p> <p>1 - The use of the Geomorphological method in studying the ""sambaquis"" (shell mounds), in which he criticizes the methods of study used by the various specialists in dealing with such deposits of shells.</p> <p>He enhances the work of the malacologist, of the arqueologist, of the geologist and of the geomorphologist.</p> <p>The use of the geomorphological method was attempted for the first time by Professor Teixeira Guerra producing good results.</p> <p>2 - The author, then analyses the various trends which try to explain the problem of the ""sambaquis"".</p> <p>In the first place he explains the concepts of the ""artificialists"" and of the ""naturalists”. To the ""artificialists"", these deposits are constituted by shells and contain or not lithic objects and ceramics.</p> <p>To the ""naturalists"" these deposits are formed by the withdrawal of the sea, exposing the said deposits on the coast.</p> <p>Nowadays, a third theory was developed, trying to conciliate the theories of the ""artificialists"" as well as the one o f the ""naturalists"".</p> <p>From the sedimentalogical (stratigraphic) examination, and from the study of the various geological contacts, the author arrived to a very important conclusion which must be considered as a new stage in the study of the ""sambaquis"".</p> <p>The above mentioned conclusions are: a) all ''sambaquis"" have an artificial origin; b) the natural ""sambaquis"", or what some scientists name ""casqueiros"" or ""pseudo-sambaquis"" or shell strata, have no point of coincidence with the ""sambaquis"" constituting what geomorphologists call terraces (marine, fluvial or lake terraces).</p> <p>3 - The author studies several ""sambaquis"" of the region: Sambaquis do Campo de Fora, Caputéra, Passagem, Ponta da Barra, Santa Marta Pequena, terrace and ""sambaquis"" of Santa Marta, Carniça and Garopaba.</p> <p>This exhaustive regional study was illustrated by the author with several photographs and geological sections, and presents a very suggestive comparison between the principal characteristics of terraces and ""sambaquis"""</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Alguns aspectos geográficos da cidade do Rio Branco e do núcleo colonial Seringal Empresa (Território do Acre) <p>"The author divides this paper in two distincts parts: in the first, he deals with the city of Rio Branco, capital of the Territory of Acre, and makes its geographical analysis as well as furnishes some geographical data considered interesting; in the second part, the author makes a description of the colonization which is taking place at the ""Municipio"" (County) of Rio Branco emphasizing specially the colonial nucleus ""Seringal Empresa"".</p> <p>Further on, he studies the site in which the city of Rio Branco is located, emphasizing the fact that this location was selected strictly by chance, as most Brazilian cities were.</p> <p>Rio Branco was born due to the spontaneous development which took place after the ""Seringal Empresa"" was founded in 1882. The city occupies a zone of terraces along the enchased meanders of the Rio Acre (River) and the topography, in this region, is undulated.</p> <p>The author begins, then, to analyze the origin of the city, dividing its evolution in various phases.</p> <p>In ending the first part of his paper, the author studies the economical aspects of the city, and states that its economy is based in the collecting of native forest products - chiefly rubber and Brasil nuts - as well as wild animal hides and skins.</p> <p>The functional life of the city is studied also and the author tries to divide its suburbs according to their various functions, thus: suburb of Penapolis - political and administrative center; suburb of Empresa - commercial center (retail and wholesale); suburbs of Quinze</p> <p>and Papoclo - residential.</p> <p>Talking of the problem of supplies, the author emphasizes the problem of high prices due to the necessity of importing some indispensable products from the south of the country. He includes a graphic which shows the prices of foodstuffs in 1950 and gives a clear idea of the high prices found.</p> <p>A study of the commerce follows, and the author states that it is in direct relation to the prices rubber and Brasil nuts attain in the foreign market. In the second part of his paper, the author studies the colonial nuclei of Rio Branco.</p> <p>He emphasizes the role of the colonization which is taking place at the ""Municipio"" of Rio Branco since 1942, and relates this fact to the economy of the region, practically based in</p> <p>collecting native forest products.</p> <p>He divides the colonization in two phases; the first, considered as ""phase of peopling"" and the second, regarded as ""planned colonization"", beginning in 1942.</p> <p>The author, then, studies the organization of the colonies, the technical, economic and social assistance which is provided by the Government to the colonies, and the agricultural systems utilized by the natives.</p> <p>A detailed study of the colonial nucleus of the Seringal Empresa is made, then, as the author finishes his paper."</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Contribuição ao estudo da Geologia do território federal do Amapá <p>" The author, Prof. Antônio Teixeira Guerra, studies in this paper, the geological formations found in the Territory of Amapá.</p> <p>At first, the author describes the difficulties of transport in the region, chiefly due to the existence of the Amazonian forest and to the lack of communications. His study had to be made, because of those conditions, along the rivers, in its major part.</p> <p>The geologic succession, in the Territory is represented through formations that vary from the most ancient age - arquean - to the most recent - holocene.</p> <p>There exists, though, an empty space in what concerns to the stratigraphy: from the silurian to the pliocene, or possibly to the beginning of the quaternary. Besides this, there is another point on which information is lacking: from the end of the algonquian to the beginning of the silurian. So, considering the above said statements, the following terrains remain unobserved in the geological succession of the Territory: base of the Paleozoic - carboniferous and permian, the whole mesozoic and possibly the whole tertiary.</p> <p>The author studies in detail each of the formations of the stratigraphy observed in the Territory: 1) arquean terrains - comprising a vast area of the Guyana shield; 2) algonquian terrains - represented by localized areas, discovered by the geologist Fritz Ackerman; 3) silurian and devonian terrains - represented by some areas in the south of the Territory; 4) quaternary terrains - composed of recent sediments which form a belt along the older terrains.</p> <p>The author emphasizes that many of his ideas are based in geological and geomorphological concepts, and states that those ideas constitute hypotheses to be confirmed by further research in the field.</p> <p>By ending his paper, the author distinguishes two geological regions or provinces in the Territory of Amapá: 1) the region of the crystalline shield, chiefly composed by eruptive rocks and by rocks which resulted of transformation of pre-existing ones - metamorphic and sedimentary; 2) sedimentary region, composed of terrains which age ranges from the algonquian to the holocene."</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 A propósito dos depósitos conchíferos o litoral do Oeste Africano <p>A Propósito dos depósitos conchíferos no litoral do Oeste Africano = Amas de coquiallages du littoral sénégalais dans la banlieue de Saint-Louis : comentado por Antônio Teixeira Guerra : comentários - 1952, v. 14, n. 1, p. 111-112</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Formação de labirintos sob a floresta equatorial Amazônica (Território Federal do Guaporé) <p>"The presence of laterites was first explained in the zone where the ""campos cerrados"" (savanna-like formation) occurred as the vegetal covering. Lateritic formations (canga) are widely distributed in vast areas of the Brazilian central plateau.</p> <p>The various naturalists which traveled in the Amazonian region have sometimes recorded references of the presence of hematites and limonites.</p> <p>Prof. Pierre Gourou, in 1948, during field studies in the states of Pará and Amazonas, along the axis of the Amazon river, emphasized geomorphological problems as well as some other problems directly related to the occupation of the land when laterization reaches its last stage, i .e., the formation of lateritic crusts.</p> <p>The problem of laterization is, nowadays, one of the most controverted points in respect to its origin.</p> <p>Our field trips made in areas where savannas occurred (Senegal and Brazilian central plateau) and in regions of tropical forests (Amazonian region and Portuguese Guinea) we have arrived to the conclusion that laterites are formed either in a zone of savannas or under the forests.</p> <p>The only difference between the lateritic process in the above mentioned zones is that in the first case there occurs a concentration of the hydroxides of iron and aluminum at the surface, while in the areas where forest occur, that concentration takes place at a certain depth from the surface, a predetermination of the darwnward migration being noted.</p> <p>On the Territory of Guaporé, thick and compact crusts of this neo rock are found, near Pôrto Velho, where the devastation of forests begun in 1907. This same compact laterite is also found under the dense forest as we had the opportunity to record on the vicinity of Km 9 and Km 33 of the road from Pôrto Velho to Cuiabá, locality of Tanques, three km to the northeast of the capital (Pôrto Velho); this formation can also be observed on the site of the ""Nucleo Agrícola Pres. Dutra"" (Iata) at a distance of about 23 km to the north of the city of Guajará-Mirim.</p> <p>Laterization constitutes, therefore, a natural process where the human influence acts as an accelerating agent either to erosion or the lateritic process itself and not, as many authors have advocated, as an originator of laterites."</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Observações geográficas sobre o território do Guaporé <p>"The Federal Territory of Guaporé was created by the Act number 5812 of September 13, 1943 and it is situated in the North East of the Mato Grosso State and the South of Amazonas. Its area is 254 163 km' and is principally composed of a1eas separated from the State of Mato Grosso and Amazonas.</p> <p>The author divides his work in two parts. In the first part he studies the physical outlook of the Territory and in the second he studies the cultural outlook, that is the human-economical conditions.</p> <p>He approaches the physical outlook in two long chapters entitled: 1 - Morphology and soils 2 - Climate, vegetation, hydrography.</p> <p>In the first chapter he presents a general study of the Territory's morphology, in accordance with the division made by Prof Fábio de Macedo Soares Guimarães, that is: A) the flat land of Amazonas, B) northern slope of the Brazilian table-land, C) the Pa1ecis table-land, D) the Guaporé valley.</p> <p>Each of these regions has its own typical characteristics. In the first one, we find the predomination of the tertiary lands of the Amazonas flat land, those a1e called uplands. In the second we can find, we can observe the predomination of the soils with Crystalline embasement. As to the region of the Pa1ecis table-land, it represents a residual slope and the continuation of the great tables-lands which is situated at the State of Goiás and Mato Grosso. Finally the last region of the Guaporé valley covers the vast alluvial flat-lands of the Guaporé River and also the region starts around the confluence of this river with the Mamoré River and continues until the neighborhood of the Guajará-Mirim City</p> <p>Regarding the soils the author studies only the advanced process of directing towards the side which he came across in certain zones, as in the City of Pôrto Velho, the City of Tanques and in the kms 9 and 33 of the Pôrto Velho-Cuiabá highway, which is under construction Furthermore he also mentions the fact of toward the side directed land in certain cuts of the Madeira-Mamoré Railway</p> <p>In the second chapter the author considers some other aspects of physical geography, of the regional climate, vegetation, hydrography etc. In a general manner we may say that the dominating climate is the hot and humid type Am Wi, according to the classification of Kõppen. The climate data were supplied by two meteorologic stations, situated at the Amazonas flat-land - Pôrto Velho - and the other at the top of the table-land, almost at the frontier of the Mato Grosso State - Vilhena</p> <p>From the pluviometrical point of view, we verify the existence of a period when the rain is too little, we may call it dry period. In Pôrto Velho the dry period lasts three months and at the Station Of Vilhena at the top of the table-lands this period is a little bit longer, that is 4 months The seasons known in the Territory are: Winter - season of the rains and Summer season when the weather is not rainy</p> <p>The vegetation which covers the greater part of this region is dense forest, which is substituted at the table-lands by the bush fields Concerning hydrography we must state that the rivers keep flowing all year long through heir waters get shallow and there is a certain decrease in their volume of the water, during the dry season. The rivers cannot be navigated in their most part, on account of the waterfalls In the Madeira River and its branch river Mamoré, for example, in the segment from Santo Antônio until Guajará-Mirim, we come across nineteen water-falls</p> <p>Coming to the end of the first part the author stresses the difficulty in making a complete and more detailed study of some aspects of physical outlook, on account of the impossibility of visiting a great area because of the dense forest as well as the lack of bibliographic data of the region</p> <p>The spreading of the population and its rarefaction, that is the relative low density, are the outstanding characteristics of the population of Guaporé</p> <p>The two most important population centers are undoubtedly the Cities of Pôrto Velho - present capital of the Territory - and Guajará-Mirim, final station of the Madeira-Mamoré Railway. The colonization of this region has been tried in various points and at present the most important settlements ·are the one called Settlement of Presidente Dutra at the Community of Guajará-Mirim and the Settlement of Candeias at the community of Pôrto Velho The agricultural system in the whole Territory and the official settlements is of a year yes a year no System that is, they cultivate the same piece of land every other year, and of the annual burnings.</p> <p>The production of those colonies can be outlined in the following products: mandioca, rice corn, beans, and some fruits such as pine apples, bananas and oranges</p> <p>The main economical activity is the latex production and the harvest of chestnuts and ipecacuanha. The extraction of latex takes place only during the dry season. The seringueiros (latex field workers) have to wait inactive during the season of rains - the winter Besides the latex workers we find in this Territory government officials and also the Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co employees</p> <p>As to the activities of hunting and fishing, in general they are practiced to supply the living that is fresh meat and fish. The agricultural and breeding activities are not developed, so we can speak but very little of the mean of living</p> <p>The nutritional state of the population is not very good. Their menu is restricted to some products, mainly to the wide consumption of a flour called farinha d'água and some others such as rice, beans etc Beef has but a small consumption, however in the rubber plantations the caboclos try to complete their daily food with the meat of hunted animals</p> <p>The agricultural production can be resumed to few products such as: mandioca, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, and beans Among the fruits we have: oranges, pine apples, bananas etc The quantity of those products is not sufficient to maintain the population of the Territory, obliging the administrators of this region to import these produces from the other states of Brazil</p> <p>The main export products of this region are: rubber, chestnuts further, we can classify</p> <p>leather and skins of savage animals such as caetetu (sort of savage hog), deer, alligators, queixada (savage hog) capivara, ariranha etc To the imported products besictes the food staff we can mention all the manufactured or industrial products</p> <p>The final consequence of this kind of economy based on the harvesting of the savage products, supplied by the forest, is the complete leave aside of the agro-pastoril activities and the government is forced to import almost everything from other states of Brazil</p> <p>As to the means of transportation, the one most widely used in this region is undoubtedly the fluvial way, however, we cannot omit to point out that in the Territory of Guaporé the importance of the Madeira-Mamoré Railway, which starting from the City of Pôrto Velho at the banks of Madeira River and ends at the Bolivian Frontier in the City of Guajará-Mirim</p> <p>The military utilities. of this railway are of great importance and furthermore it is a gate out to the Bolivian East</p> <p>As to the highway transportation, the most important highway which plays the role of a link between the various parts of the Territory of Guaporé this same highway will join the capital of this Territory to the state of Mato Grosso and later on to the capital of the Territory of Acre</p> <p>Finally concerning the air transportation, the two bigger crowded cities (Pôrto Velho and Guajará-Mirim) are easily linked with some centers of Brazil. Also in the internal transportation the use of planes is indispensable because of the great saving of time."</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Aspectos geográficos do Território Federal do Acre <p>Aspectos geográficos do Território Federal do Acre : comentários - 1954, v. 16, n. 2, p. 234-251. O presente trabalho visa a fornecer algumas informações gerais, de natureza geográfica, acompanhadas de amplo documentário fotográfico, tendo em vista o pouco conhecimento que se tem da região.</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Elaboração de um Dicionário Geográfico <p>Elaboração de um dicionário geográfico : comentários - 1954, v. 16, n. 3, p. 384-388</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 A Rodovia Plácido de Castro e sua importância no povoamento e na colonização da região: território federal do Acre Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Contribuição à geomorfologia do litoral paulista <p>This study represents a contribution to the study of the geomorphology of the coast of the state of São Paulo, based principally on the analysis and correlation of the low levels observed until now along that part of the Atlantic littoral.</p> Aziz Nacib Ab'Saber Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Ocorrência de lateritos na Bacia do Alto Purus <p>Ocorrência de lateritos na Bacia do Alto Purus : comentários - 1955, v. 17, n. 1, p. 107-114.</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Os Lateritos dos campos do Rio Branco e sua importância para a geomorfologia <p>Os Lateritos dos campos do Rio Branco e sua importância para a geomorfologia : comentários - 1955, v. 17, n. 2, p. 220-224.</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Aspectos geográficos do Território do Rio Branco <p>Aspectos geográficos do Território do Rio Branco : comentários - 1956, v. 18, n. 1, p. 117-128.</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Aspectos geográficos do Sudeste do Espírito Santo <p>"At the present article the author tried to characterize the physical landscape and the economy from the littoral area from the Southeast of the Espírito Santo State, to which corresponds 6,9% from the supercities of all this political unity of the Federation.</p> <p>At the introduction, presents a whole sight from the landscape, now in focus, passing forward to the study of the southeast soils.</p> <p>Professor Teixeira Guerra, detaches the study of the structure from the crystalline rocks, belonging to the shield, the ones that were sedimentary and went to form the stairs (from the Pliocene) and the quaternary low-country shallows low-levels terraces and beaches of heavy minerals.</p> <p>From the geomorphological sense of vie, points out many proofs that fills up a coastal drowning with the appearance of terraces in scalonated levels, beyond fossil ""falésias"" and mouths of rivers.</p> <p>The author ends the physical part, studying the different types of soils, making a mutual relation with the tiller aptness from each one.</p> <p>At the second. part of this article, after giving a general introduction, starts to analyse the coffee farms and the following exhaustion from the soils, starting that way the invasion greater and greater from de pasture lands.</p> <p>Because of the· loose of the natural fertility from the soils, the coffee planters have been pushed to the raising cattle activity. Besides the same phenomenon checked out at the Paraíba do Sul Valley.</p> <p>Following, Teixeira Guerra, broaches considerations, appertain to the plain areas and the tillage done with rice, sugar cane and banana. At this item, a special remark is done to the greats sugar cane fields from the Palmeiras Plant, localized at the Itapemerim Corporation Town.</p> <p>This one, is the greater producer of sugar, alcohol and also brandy from Espírito Santo State.</p> <p>On account of the agriculture, professor Teixeira Guerra, makes a few commentaries on the following products: manioc, com and beans.</p> <p>Another part of this article is the mineral digging, where he studies with surpass the ""monaziticas"" sands, which exploitation in from great importance, because of the growing of the modern technology on the basis of the atomic energy.</p> <p>He ends the article with a study on fishing and the summer rest places at the southeast of Espírito Santo State."</p> Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Notas sobre o palmito em Iguape e Cananéia Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Jorge Zarur Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Roberto Galvão Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Subsídios para uma nova divisão política do Brasil <p>Brazil's historical evolution of the territorial division is disposed chronologically in this task, since the settlement of the Hereditary Captainies, with D. JOÃO III, to the latest attempts. The origins of the problem are remarked by the authors, retrospectively.</p> <p>The work is plentifully illustrated with demographic and economic schedules about some federate unities and federal territories, which counterbalanced the effort spent by them, that affirm conclusively the convenience of an urgent transformation of the wide under-developed areas in the Great Northern and Middle West Regions. They think this is the best way to solve the problems connected with the national interests in order to develop these vast regions and profit its natural resources.</p> <p>In their considerations, they didn't forget the essential preceding studies based on an early survey relating to the possibilities of the region, on the point of view quantitative and qualitative.</p> <p>With reference to the Northeast, East and South, it is proposed the re-establishment of the Territories of "Ponta Porã" and "Iguaçu" and it is also suggested the establishment of "Território de Barreiras", by making use of the dismembered areas situated in the States of "Bahia" and "Goiás".</p> <p>Finally, it is given a political advice consisting in the institution of a department designed to the politic-administrative protection and the direction of these federate unities.</p> Ignez Amelia Leal Teixeira Guerra Antonio Teixeira Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 Editorial v. 69 n. 1 Conselho Editorial da Revista Brasileira de Geografia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 1 2 Plataforma Geográfica Interativa (PGI) Aziz Ab'Saber <p><strong>Artigos Aziz Nacib Ab'Saber ( )<br /></strong></p> <p>Aziz Nacib Ab'Saber (São Luiz do Paraitinga, 24 de outubro de 1924 – Cotia, 16 de março de 2012) foi um geógrafo e professor universitário brasileiro.</p> <p>Considerado como referência em assuntos relacionados ao meio ambiente e a impactos ambientais decorrentes das atividades humanas foi um professor polivalente, laureado com as mais altas honrarias científicas em geografia, arqueologia, geologia e ecologia - Membro Honorário da Sociedade de Arqueologia Brasileira, Grã-Cruz em Ciências da Terra pela Ordem Nacional do Mérito Científico, Prêmio Internacional de Ecologia de 1998 e Prêmio Unesco para Ciência e Meio Ambiente. Era Professor Emérito da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH-USP), professor honorário do Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA-USP) da mesma universidade e ex-presidente e atual Presidente de Honra da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC). Embora aposentado compulsoriamente no final do século XX, manteve-se em atividade até o fim da vida.</p> <p>Na véspera da sua morte, entregou à SBPC os arquivos de sua obra completa, em DVD, com a seguinte dedicatória: "Tenho o grande prazer de enviar para os amigos e colegas da Universidade o presente DVD que contém um conjunto de trabalhos geográficos e de planejamento elaborados entre 1946-2010. Tratando-se de estudos predominantemente geográficos, eu gostaria que tal DVD seja levado ao conhecimento dos especialistas em geografia física e humana da universidade".</p> Therence Paoliello de Sarti Felipe Mendes Cronemberger Andre Souza Pelech Maria Luisa da Fonseca Pimenta Evelyn Andrea Arruda Pereira Luiz Ricardo Schiavinato Valente Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Geografia 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 69 1 10.21579/issn.2526-0375_2024_n1_s.p.